Evolution Evolution A History of Evolutionary Thought Learn about the many scientists and thinkers who have made contributions towards the theories of evolution, from Aristotle to scientists of the 20th Century. Enter Evolution: Theory and History A general site on evolution that covers: systematics, dinosaur discoveries, vertebrate flight, and a thorough coverage of important people whose ideas influenced the development of evolutionary theory. Evolution for Teaching This website is hosted by the University of Waikato and has been developed to provide a web based resource for use by teachers, especially in the science fields of evolution and geological time. Evolution Contains articles as well as animations on a variety of issues ranging from Darwin's theories, extinction, the need for sex, survival, and the coexistence of evolution and faith. Excellent, well worth a look. Evolution on the Web for Biology Students This web page lists links to other websites. Subheadings include: the history of evolutionary thought, evidence for evolution, mechanisms of evolutionary change, sexual selection, origin of new species, fossil record, and more. Harvard University Biology Links: Evolution Provides a list of links to sites concerned with evolution. Kiwi Evolution (NZ) A New Zealand site, presenting an excellent resource on the flightless nocturnal bird , the Kiwi. Includes sections on taxonomy, adaptations and the bird's current survival issues. Speciation What defines a species? How do species originate? This site answers these questions by examining reproductive isolation, geographic isolation and the evolutionary tree. The Talk. Origins Archive Talk. Origins is a Usenet newsgroup devoted to the discussion and debate of biological and physical origins. Most discussions center on the creation/evolution controversy, but other topics include the origin of life, geology, and mechanisms of evolution. UC Museum of Paleontology Virtual Exhibits The University of California, provides excellent information of phylogeny, geological time and evolutionary thought. Whale Origins! Examination of the evolution of Cetaceans from land mammal to marine. Fossil finds of Cetacean skeletons enables scientists to learn more about their physiology and evolutionary tree.